Shannon Entropy
Information theory is a discipline intersecting mathematics and computer science that focuses on the quantification, storage, and communication of information. One of its fundamental tenets, entropy, was introduced by Claude Shannon in 19481. It quantifies the average amount of information or uncertainty inherent in a random variable or data source. If we consider a discrete random variable, \(X\), with support \(S_X\) and a probability mass function, \(p(x)\), the entropy of this random variable, \(X\), can be calculated as:
Higher entropy equates to greater uncertainty, and lower entropy implies increased predictability.
Entropy of Time Series Signals
In Shannon's groundbreaking work, he introduced a rigorous definition of uncertainty for static systems. However, time series signals represent dynamic systems that evolve over time due to perturbations and inputs. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a concept of entropy that captures the complexity and uncertainty of these dynamic systems.
In 1958 and 1959, Kolmogorov and Sinai developed such a measure, now coined Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy2. KS entropy is a measure of the complexity or randomness present in a dynamical system or time series. It quantifies the rate at which information is generated by the system over time. While KS entropy provides a rigorous and mathematically precise definition of entropy applied to time series signals, it is often not a computationally tractable one3. It is for this reason that researchers have developed alternate measures, such as sample entropy (SampEn) and permutation entropy (PermEn).
Sample Entropy
SampEn is a measure used to estimate the complexity of time series data. Developed by Richman and Moorman4, it builds upon Pincus's approximate entropy5. The concept of SampEn revolves around the idea of template matching in a signal. A template is a subset of consecutive data points from the signal.
Define a time series signal of length \(N\) as \(\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^N\). A template of length \(m\) (known as the "embedding dimension") is denoted by \(\mathbf{u}_m(i) = (x_i, \ldots, x_{i + m - 1})\). We compare these templates and consider them a match if the distance between them is less than a defined radius, \(r\). Specifically, a match occurs when \(\lVert \mathbf{u}_m(i) - \mathbf{u}_m(j)\rVert_p \leq r\), where \(p\) is the order of the norm (typically \(p = \infty\) for the L-infinity norm denoting the maximum absolute difference between the elements of two templates) and \(r > 0\) is the predefined radius. Unlike ApEn, SampEn does not consider self-matches.
To calculate signal regularity, we compute two quantities, \(B^m(r)\) and \(A^m(r)\). \(B^m(r)\), defined as:
is the probability of the signal remaining within a radius, \(r\), for \(m\) steps. Similarly, \(A^m(r)\), given by:
is the probability that the signal stays within the same radius for an additional step (\(m + 1\) steps in total). In both expressions, \(\mathbf{1}\left[\cdot \right]\) denotes the indicator function and \(Z(N, m)\) is a normalization constant to ensure valid probabilities. With these values, we define SampEn as the negative logarithm of the conditional probability that a sequence will remain within radius \(r\) for \(m + 1\) steps, given it has stayed within \(r\) for \(m\) steps:
However, if no matches are found at radius \(r\) across the signal (i.e., \(B^m(r) = 0\)), \(\text{SampEn}(\mathbf{x}, m, r)\) is undefined.
Shannon, Claude Elwood. "A mathematical theory of communication." The Bell system technical journal 27.3 (1948): 379-423. ↩
Shiryayev, A. N. "New metric invariant of transitive dynamical systems and automorphisms of Lebesgue spaces." Selected Works of AN Kolmogorov: Volume III: Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms (1993): 57-61. ↩
Kantz, Holger, and Thomas Schreiber. Nonlinear time series analysis. Vol. 7. Cambridge university press, 2004. ↩
Richman, Joshua S., and J. Randall Moorman. "Physiological time-series analysis using approximate entropy and sample entropy." American journal of physiology-heart and circulatory physiology 278.6 (2000): H2039-H2049. ↩
Pincus, Steven M. "Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88.6 (1991): 2297-2301. ↩